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At Fresh Skin lab our passion is transforming skin! We have several technologies that focus on repairing and rejuvenating the texture and tone of your skin including deeper dermal concerns such as scars, stretch marks and deep lines.

skin rejuvenation

skin rejuvenation

Secret RF
microneedling with PRP

Secret RF is an innovative new treatment that improves signs of aging skin, fine line, wrinkles and scars. It uses micro needles to deliver fractional Radio Frequency energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. Little to no downtime and safe on all skin types. We are now offering the option to add PRP to your Secret RF microneedling treatment.

+ Face neck and body can be treated
+ Stretch marks
+ Surgical scars



4 treatments are recommended 4 weeks apart for optimal results.

Pre-Treatment: Please avoid the use of retinols, glycolic and salicylic acids for 48 hours prior to the service. Topical anaesthesia will be applied prior to treatment to ensure your comfort.

Post Treatment: Mild redness is expected, which will subside within several hours. Please wait at least 4 hours before washing your face with recommended home care. Avoid exercise and heat (including hot baths and saunas) for 48 hours.


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Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy is a treatment that uses sterile medical grade needles to cause a "controlled injury" to the skin to enable the wound healing response that can treat:

Recommended in a series of 6 or more, and results and improvement will be seen quickly.

Downtime – Little to none. Some redness and a warm sensation might be felt in some cases and will subside within several hours.
Wait 4 hours to wash your face.

Pre–Treatment: Please avoid the use of retinols, glycolic and salicylic acids for 48 hours prior to the service. Patients must be off Accutane for at least 6 months prior to treatment. Topical anesthesia will be applied prior to treatment to ensure your comfort.

Post Treatment: Mild redness is to be expected, but will subside within several hours. Please wait at least 4 hours before you wash your face with recommended home care. Avoid skin irritants and heat exposure including hot baths and exercise for 48 hours following your treatment.

+ Scar revision
+ Wrinkle reduction
+ Skin tightening
+ Acne scars

+ Stretch marks
+ Hair restoration
+ Melasma
+ Pigmentations

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Book a First Time Facial + Consultation to determine a possible treatment plan and home care regime that will transform your skin. 

not sure what you need? start with a facial consultation!


An affordable customizable plan that allows you to receive monthly discounted medical grade treatments to transform your skin from within. Be a part of Fresh Skin Lab’s customized monthly membership plan. We will address your specific needs and set up monthly treatments to help you achieve your skin goals.

skin goals membership

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