No matter your skin condition or concern, combining a variety of treatments and products we will get your skin looking your best. If you have a specific concern we have a plan to correct it.

skin conditions

A condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. May cause whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. At FSL, we have a multitude of effective treatment options available for acne.


facials & peels

Visible when patches or spots are darker than the surrounding skin. Typically found on the face, neck and hands and occurs when cells in the skin make too much melanin, over exposure to the sun and or hormonal changes in the body such as pregnancy.

Brown Spots / Hyperpigmentation


we have everything you need to feel fresh in your skin

Lines and creases that form in your skin such as; smile lines, crows feet, lax jowls and neck due to age, worry or fatigue.

Wrinkles & Fine lines


May come from the result of inflammation of acne blemishes or any kind of trauma to the skin. In the case of Acne, the pore swells and a breakdown occurs in the wall of the pore. Can also be a result of a post- surgical procedure or come in the form of stretch marks.



This refers to the condition of the surface of your skin. It can appear uneven, dull, dry and have a loss of collagen from aging, sun damage or lack of exfoliation. You may also see large pores, laxity and loss of elasticity and or feel a rough texture.

Skin Tone & Texture


This skin condition usually occurs on the face and appears as redness, swelling and dilated blood vessels with the skin often feeling warm and or sensitive.

Roseacea & Redness


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Book a First Time Facial + Consultation to determine a possible treatment plan and home care regime that will transform your skin. 

not sure what you need? start with a facial consultation!


An affordable customizable plan that allows you to receive monthly discounted medical grade treatments to transform your skin from within. Be a part of Fresh Skin Lab’s customized monthly membership plan. We will address your specific needs and set up monthly treatments to help you achieve your skin goals.

skin goals membership

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