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During this consultation, we will track your progress, review symptoms, and address any new health concerns. Additional laboratory testing may also be performed, if necessary.

Naturopathic medicine follow up consultation

fresh face services

Naturopathic Medicine

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During this consultation, we will discuss your current health concerns, medical history, and goals. An individualized treatment plan will be created. A physical examination and/or pertinent laboratory testing may also be recommended and performed to acquire a better understanding of your current health status.

Naturopathic medicine initial consultation

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PRP is blood plasma with concentrated platelets. PRP is a safe treatment. The procedure involves one blood draw. The blood is then spun in a specialized PRP centrifuge to extract the platelets. The concentrated platelets increase stem cell production. PRP can be thought to act as a "bioactive scaffold”. Results are not immediate. One may expect minimal swelling, bruising and/or redness for 12-24 hours. Collagen takes 3 months to mature, therefore, results continue to improve over this time. Most patients will see results within 2-4 weeks, continued results will be seen up to 12 weeks. Most patients require 3 treatments spread 4-6 weeks apart and maintenance treatment every 9-12 months thereafter.

Lipotropic Injections, are intramuscular injections used to help release fat throughout the body by specifically targeting primary fatty deposits.

B12 Injections, are Intramuscular injections used to help improve energy, stamina, sleep quality and duration, increase metabolism, mental clarity and mood, reduce depression and cognitive decline, balance the immune and digestive system, provide healthier hair, skin and nails, and also can help improve thyroid issues.

Naturopathic medicine follow up consultation

Lipotropic injections


B12 Injections

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During this consultation, we will discuss your current health concerns, medical history, and goals. An individualized treatment plan will be created. A physical examination and/or pertinent laboratory testing may also be recommended and performed to acquire a better understanding of your current health status.

Naturopathic medicine initial consultation

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Book a First Time Facial + Consultation to determine a possible treatment plan and home care regime that will transform your skin. 

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An affordable customizable plan that allows you to receive monthly discounted medical grade treatments to transform your skin from within. Be a part of Fresh Skin Lab’s customized monthly membership plan. We will address your specific needs and set up monthly treatments to help you achieve your skin goals.

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